Salt Lake City Estethician Lexington Wardle of Lexethetics
From a young age, my mother instilled in me the importance of skincare. So much so, that to this day - regardless of how tired I am (or on certain occasions, how many drinks I’ve had) - I cannot go to bed without washing my face.
Despite this lifelong awareness and commitment to washing my face every.single.night, my dedication to healthy skin has waned over the years. However, as I passed that big milestone of my fourth decade around the sun, my interest in healthy skin got stronger and I started exploring where to get facials in Salt Lake City.
What I found is that our city is home to some amazing estheticians! Including Lexington Wardle.
I met Lexington at the beginning of 2024 when I went to get my first facial in years. As soon as I walked into Lexington’s space I felt relaxed and that feeling of relaxation deepened throughout my facial. I remember laying on the table thinking “I forgot how relaxing a facial is…” ahhhh.
When I left Lexington’s I felt relaxed, refreshed, and excited to keep exploring how to keep my skin healthy! Join me as Lexington shares a few simple ways to take care of your skin (it can be as simple as a glass of water) and what led to her passion for skincare (including her niche interest in Korean skincare).
meet slc Estethician lexington
How did you become interested in skincare and becoming an esthetician?
I’ve had an interest in getting into the skincare industry since I was in high school after my first facial, it was such a relaxing and luxurious experience, and I wanted to become someone who helps provide an experience like that for others. My own struggles with my skin’s appearance starting in my early twenties is what really pushed me to pursue a career in the industry; knowing how isolating it can feel, and wanting to be someone that can help someone feel less alone on that journey.
What is your favorite thing about being an esthetician?
The look on my clients’ faces when I’m done with whatever treatment I’ve performed on them. I love making people feel more comfortable in their own skin.
What does “wellness” mean to you?
Wellness is more so an integration of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, fueling the body, engaging the mind, and nurturing the spirit.
How do you view taking care of your skin, facials, etc. as part of a wellness practice?
The skin is the largest organ on the body, the one that comes into direct contact with most of the world, taking care of that organ is essential. Taking care of it whether that’s through treatments (like facials) or simply just a good homecare routine is not only good physically but emotionally as well. It has the ability to relax you, make you feel good, you can incorporate mindfulness into these practices every day.
What is your favorite wellness practice that you incorporate into your own life?
At the risk of sounding biased, it is indeed taking care of my skin. Whether it's giving myself a treatment or simply taking the time at the end of the day to do my normal skincare routine. My second favorite is practicing mindfulness (which can definitely be incorporated into our skincare routines) simply put, mindfulness is focusing on being intensely aware of what you're sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment.
lexington’s favorite skincare treatments
You mentioned that you like the balance of science and nature that Korean skincare provides, can you share more about this?
I like to think I’m a person who believes inherently in balance. While I love and wholeheartedly appreciate modern science, the strides made in this industry in particular, I also love and appreciate the idea of incorporating the holistic into my practice as well. The Korean Beauty approach employs thoughtful rituals combined with traditional ingredients, creating balance in caring for our skin and teaching us the rituals of self care create harmony, not just in our skin but in our lives. Balance. I originally became interested in Korean skincare through whispers on the internet as most of us do; then I stumbled upon an incredible esthetician, Sarah, the founder of Kin Aesthetics. She’s been an incredible source of education and support for those of us in this industry that believe in the rituals of Korean Skincare.
If someone was interested in coming in for a facial with you, what treatment would you suggest they begin with?
To start I usually suggest my simple ‘Beehive Revive Facial’ which is a simple facial with products catered to each client based on their skin type and goals. I suggest this as a first time treatment as it gives me a chance to more closely evaluate someone’s skin in person and go over their goals and concerns.
What is your favorite treatment to do?
Currently, my favorite treatment is the KrX Aesthetics Carboxy Therapy treatment. This is an oxygenating treatment that increases circulation, improves skin texture, and has a powerful brightening effect.
This two-part treatment includes a carbon dioxide gel and treatment mask. When used together they create what is known as the Bohr effect; a sudden release of oxygen within the skin's tissue to compensate for oxygen loss.
Oxygen is involved in numerous biological processes including cell proliferation, angiogenesis, and protein synthesis. It is key to having healthy skin.
When the treatment mask is placed over the carbon dioxide gel, it induces an almost indescribable feeling (I myself would liken it to the sensation of pop rocks in face mask form) and it’s always fun to watch everyone’s reactions as they all differ in my experience!
What are 3-5 things people can do to start taking care of their skin today?
First and foremost, DRINK WATER. Staying hydrated is paramount to healthy skin. Not just moisturizing with product, but hydrating from the inside.
Second, book a treatment with me! A skincare consultation is a great way to understand what’s going on with your skin, and assess your goals so we can build a treatment plan completely catered to you.
Lastly, be patient with yourself, the path to healthy skin is not linear nor is it immediate, your skin takes time to recover and acclimatize to products and treatments.
Lexington’s Salt Lake City favorites
Has Salt Lake City always been home or what drew you to life in Salt Lake City?
I was born and raised in Salt Lake City. Here, I grew up with an appreciation and irrevocable love for the beauty and healing nature provides us.
What is something you love about Salt Lake City?
The landscape! As I said I’m a lover of nature, and we have so much to offer here in terms of that, we have city life, we have the incredibly gorgeous mountains, and incredible desert landscapes down south. To have all in one place is breathtaking and incredible lucky!
What would be your ideal day in Salt Lake City look like?
An ideal day in Utah would be waking up at 8 am, making a delicious slice of avocado toast (at the risk of sounding too aggressively millennial) with lemon, garlic, and tajin, preferably on sourdough. Then heading to Beans and Brews for a 16oz iced Dirty Chai, driving up to the Uintas to enjoy a nice calming day surrounded by the sounds of nature, relaxed in a hammock with a book. Ending out the day with a trip to Slackwater (quite arguably my favorite restaurant in SLC) for their heavenly hummus, a sour beer (like Cherry Pie by Shades Brewing) and their buffalo chicken pizza.
Whether you are looking for your first facial EVER or to simply add a new experience to your skincare routine, Lexington will provide you with a phenomenal experience. Your face will love you, all while you show some love to a local business!